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Millbank Academy

Millbank Academy

Academy life

Pastoral care

At Millbank we put pastoral care at the centre of all that we do: caring for our children is paramount. Our form tutors are the first point of contact for parents as they lead the care of the children in our classrooms.

In reception our children are supported as they learn to share and show good manners and kindness to everyone around them. They are able to work and sit for longer periods of time and have access to two outdoor areas

This includes an amphitheatre and a garden space to plant and watch flowers grow. 

In Key Stage One our children are met at the gate by friendly members of staff, and they walk independently into class with their book bags.  They are able to earn numerous rewards for effort, courtesy, achievement and making good choices and teachers share these with parents.

In Key Stage Two the children earn more responsibility, work independently for the majority of the time and begin to show more self-organisation in their work. They are also able to earn a variety of awards. In PSHCE lessons they gain social skills and knowledge about their health, communicate their feelings, resolve conflict and strengthen ties in the school community, and develop as young people which makes them excellent role models for our younger pupils. We know that for children to thrive and become successful adults there needs to be good communication and a relationship of trust between their parents, carers and school staff. All our staff take an interest in the wellbeing of our children and demonstrate an excellent standard of care.  We prioritise safety, and we make every effort to ensure that every child is seen, listened to and valued as a young person who is capable of greatness.  Together with our wonderful community of parents and carers, we aim to give all our children access to as many opportunities to learn, grow and achieve as possible.


Chef Dario and his team prepare delicious meals freshly each day.  These lunches are carefully balanced so that they provide a healthy, filling meal, and our chef meets with our School Council to take on board their views and suggestions.  We are delighted that lunches are currently free.  Children may, of course, bring in a packed lunch if they prefer.

Children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive fresh fruit each day, and children in Nursery also receive a carton of milk.  These are, again, free of charge.

Inclusion (SEND)

At our academy, we believe in creating inclusive environments that aim to meet the needs of all students.

We want to ensure that our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision offers appropriate support for those facing barriers to their learning.

We provide support within all four broad areas of SEND: 

  • cognition and learning
  • communication and interaction
  • sensory and physical
  • social, emotional and mental health

Our school SENDCO,  Alana Lloyd, leads on the provision for students with SEND, and Anna-Maria O’Toole oversees provision for students with SEND across Future Academies, to ensure that it is of the highest standards.



Extended Day 

Our breakfast club runs each morning from 7.45am.  We offer a nutritious breakfast, and, once children have finished eating, have a range of activities to help children start the day with a smile on their faces!  There is currently no charge for breakfast club. 

We are proud to offer a range of extra-curricular clubs, free of charge, both at lunchtimes and after the school day has finished.  In addition, our wonderful playworkers, run our after-school care until 6.00pm each day.  The cost for a full session is currently £7.  

